4 Things You Can Collect To Help Your Lawyer Strengthen Your Medical Malpractice Case

Of all the medical malpractice cases that make it to court in the United States, only about 21 percent of them are found to be in favor of the plaintiff. Because of this, it's extremely important to have an experienced malpractice lawyer by your side from the time you decide to file a claim until your case has been completely settled within the court system. There are a few things you can do to help your lawyer strengthen your medical malpractice case – consider collecting these four things and handing copies over to your legal representative: [Read More]

Understanding 4 Common Reasons For Dental Negligence

Although the majority of dentists are highly experienced professionals who offer a great deal of care to their patients, dental negligence cases sometimes arise where a patient has been mistreated (or not treated altogether) and their condition has worsened. There are four main situations where you may be entitled to claim against such malpractice: False Diagnosis If you have a moderate to serious dental condition that your dentist hasn't acted sufficiently to cure, you may be able to file a false diagnosis claim. [Read More]

What Should You Do If A Loved One Has Been The Victim Of Financial Abuse?

If you've recently grown concerned about the finances of a parent or other loved one who receives caregiving assistance, you're not alone -- as many as one in 20 adults over the age of 60 may fall victim to financial abuse perpetrated by a caregiver or close relative. Seniors who receive ongoing care (whether in their home or a nursing home) are particularly vulnerable targets, as they often have more available assets than other age groups, as well as a diminished ability to perceive fraudulent activity and a physical dependence on the care provider. [Read More]

4 Steps To Take After Being The Victim Of A Hit And Run Accident

Hit and run accidents are one of the worst things that a pedestrian or fellow automobile driver can experience. They are painful, laborious and difficult experiences to go through. Although the list of things that you must do after a hit and run is long, there are a few things that most would consider integral activities to perform post hit and run. This brief article will go over a few of the most important things to do after being the victim of a hit and run accident. [Read More]