Failing To Follow A Living Will Doesn't Always Constitute Medical Malpractice

A living will provides direction to loved ones and medical staff regarding how you and your estate should be treated when you become too incapacitated to convey your wishes. Although healthcare providers are generally obligated to follow the directives in a living will, a study conducted in 2004 found two-thirds of the participants ignored patients' advance directives. Though it would seem the affected person would have a personal injury case against the violator, there are a few times when a doctor could act contrary to the order and not be found liable for damages. [Read More]

3 Things You Need To Know About Getting Spousal Support In Minnesota

Are you getting a divorce in Minnesota and want your ex to pay you spousal support (also known as alimony)? Your lawyer will work hard to make a case for you that gives you the best chance of getting it. While spousal support is not awarded as often as it once was, there are still some circumstances under which you may qualify for it. In the past, spousal support was usually intended for women who did not work and who could not support themselves after a divorce. [Read More]