Why You Should Hire An Attorney When Filing For Bankruptcy

In some cases, filing for bankruptcy is a last-ditch effort to salvage as much of your financial situation as possible. The bills may have piled up to such an extent that it seems nearly impossible to get a handle on them. In these cases, bankruptcy can be that life preserver which is so desperately needed. Although you have the ability to file bankruptcy as a private citizen, it isn't advisable to do so. You need the knowledge and experience of a skilled bankruptcy attorney who can guide you through the process. Keep reading to find out why it's so valuable to have a lawyer on your side when filing for bankruptcy.

Hiring An Attorney Provides Immediate Relief

When you're up to your neck in debt you're likely under a lot of stress. The situation is amplified when you are being bombarded with calls from your creditors. The collectors can be relentless, even causing embarrassment by calling you at your place of business. You might think that there is nothing you can do because technically, you do owe them money. A bankruptcy attorney can change this for you.

The moment you hire an attorney to take on your bankruptcy case, they immediately issue cease and desist letters to each of your creditors. What this means is that the creditor can no longer contact you by phone, mail or any other means. All communication must be directed to the attorney. Can you imagine how much relief you'll experience when you don't have to shake in fear each time the phone rings?

Bankruptcy Attorneys Accommodate Your Busy Life

Understand that bankruptcy is a highly complex, legal procedure. There are a number of different forms to fill out that must be filed on time in order for your bankruptcy to be approved. Depending upon your current work schedule, it might be nearly impossible for you to find the time to get over to the courthouse and make sure everything is submitted on time.

Bankruptcy attorneys have a system in place. This allows them to get everything filed in a timely manner without you even having to be present. With their help, the only time you'll need to show up is at the final hearing.

Bankruptcy attorneys offer payment plans that make their services accessible to as many people as possible. Take a load off of yourself and let a bankruptcy lawyer take on your case. For more information, contact companies like Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Associates LLC.
